Burley in Wharfedale Walkers are Welcome Constitution
(This constitution was adopted on 10 May 2017)
11. Dissolution
3. Any money and assets left after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be applied to purposes in keeping with the objects of Walkers are Welcome.
4. All books and documents of the Group shall be placed with such a person or organisation for safekeeping as the meeting shall decide.
Date 10 May 2017
Signed (Chair) David Asher
Signed (Secretary) Mavis Regan
(This constitution was adopted on 10 May 2017)
- Adoption of the Constitution
- The group and its property will be administered and managed as a non-for-profit organisation, in accordance with the provisions in this constitution.
- Name
- The name of the group shall be ‘Burley in Wharfedale Walkers are Welcome’, and hereafter referred to as Burley WaW.
- Objects
- To provide information and encouragement for people in and outside of Burley in Wharfedale and Burley Woodhead to enjoy walking within and beyond the Burley area
- To monitor the state of local footpaths and footpath infrastructure and promote footpath maintenance, improvement and accessibility
- To encourage the use of public transport by walkers
- To encourage walkers and visitors to the village to use local businesses for refreshments and hospitality
- To co-operate with other local organisations in promoting awareness and protection of the natural and historical environment of Burley and the surrounding area
- To promote Burley in Wharfedale as a Walkers are Welcome community, ensuring that the criteria for maintaining accreditation with the WaW national body is met.
- Powers
- Burley WaW shall open a bank account in the name of the organisation and shall purchase appropriate public liability insurance
- Burley WaW shall publish and distribute publicity materials, including publications for sale
- Burley WaW shall have the power to do whatever is legal in order to further its objects.
- Membership
- Membership is open to all people who support the objects of Burley WaW
- Burley WaW shall keep a register of Friends of Burley WaW for the purpose of circulating news about walking activities and related events, and the work of the Committee. The register will only be used for WaW purposes. Contact details will not be shared with any other organisation except with the express permission of the individual(s) concerned.
- Income and property
- All income and property of Burley WaW shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects.
- Management
- Burley WaW shall be managed by a Committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting
- The Committee shall retire with effect from the Annual General Meeting following their election, and shall be eligible for re-election at that Annual General Meeting
- The Committee shall consist of up to 10 members and not less than 3, elected within the membership at the Annual General Meeting.
- Officers: A Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected by the Committee from the members of the Committee, at the first meeting of the Committee following an AGM. The Officers shall continue to serve until the start of the first Committee meeting after the next AGM. If officer vacancies arise during the year, the Committee shall have the power to fill them from among its members
- The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members
- The Committee shall meet no less than three times a year.
- The quorum for the Committee shall be three, of which two will be officers.
- General Meetings
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year, no longer than 15 months after the preceding AGM. At this meeting, the financial statement for the preceding year shall be presented, along with a report of the achievements of the past year, and plans for the future
- At least 14 days notice of the AGM shall be given. The notice shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting, and general nature of the meeting
- All General Meetings other than the Annual General Meeting shall be called Special General Meetings.
- Special General Meetings can be called by either a majority of the Committee, or by six members making a written request
- At least seven days notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given
- Other decisions will be made by a simple majority of those present and voting
- All general meetings shall be chaired by the person who has been elected by the Committee as Chair, or by another nominated member of the Committee
- The Chair shall have a casting vote when the numbers voting for and against a resolution are equal.
- Finance
- Burley WaW financial year shall commence on 6 April and end on 5 April each year
- The Treasurer shall keep proper financial records and shall report regularly to the Committee
- All monies received shall be paid into a bank account in the name of Burley in Wharfedale Walkers are Welcome
- The accounts shall be audited at least once a year. Auditors may not be members of the Committee during the audit or at any time in the year under review
- Cheques shall be signed by any two out of three members of the Committee.
- Amendments to the Constitution
- Amendments to the constitution can be made at a General Meeting by a two thirds majority of those
11. Dissolution
- If the Committee decides to dissolve the Group, then it shall call a Special General Meeting which can dissolve the Group by a two thirds majority of the members present and voting
3. Any money and assets left after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be applied to purposes in keeping with the objects of Walkers are Welcome.
4. All books and documents of the Group shall be placed with such a person or organisation for safekeeping as the meeting shall decide.
Date 10 May 2017
Signed (Chair) David Asher
Signed (Secretary) Mavis Regan