March 2020
Condition of footpaths around Burley
Due to the extraordinary amount of rain we have had during February, you will have noticed that many of the field footpaths around Burley are very waterlogged, making walking difficult and potentially hazardous. Hopefully, most of the surface water is temporary and will disappear before too long. However, if you have come across more longer-term footpath damage, such as caused by blocked land drains, becks or culverts, let us know so we can report it to Countryside Services.
Friday walk on 6 March
This is a 3.2 mile low level route towards Otley, finishing up at the Red Lion for refreshments. Meet as usual at Burley Station at 10.00. All welcome, just turn up. Dogs are allowed if kept on a short lead. We go down Prospect Road to Burley House field, then along Otley Old Road to Launds House Farm. Walking up to Otley Golf Course return to Burley along the old railway line, arriving at the Red Lion about 12.00 There are no stiles, but some field paths and part of the old railway line will be muddy in places.
Sunday walk on 15 March
Having cancelled the February walk due to bad weather, we try again to do this 5.1 mile higher level walk to West Chevin. Meet at Burley Station at 10.00. All welcome, just turn up. Dogs allowed if kept on a short lead. Walking along the old railway line to Acrecliffe Farm, we go up Gill Brow ridge to West Chevin, with good views across Wharfedale. The route then follows the Ebor Way through Menston to reach Bleach Mill House for refreshments by 12.00. There are four stiles and field paths will be muddy in places. Remember to bring walking poles if you use them.
Litter pick walk with Plastic Free Burley on Saturday 28 March
A reminder that Plastic Free Burley and Walkers are Welcome are organising a joint 1.75-mile litter picking walk, starting at 2.00 on 28th March. Meeting on Otley Old Road near the junction with Eastfield Lane we will walk along Otley Old Road to the A660. The return to Burley will be on the river side of the road focusing particularly on the wooded area near to the road. Litter picking equipment will be provided. There will be refreshments at the Roundhouse at the end of the walk. Please join us for this worthwhile event aimed at keeping our local environment beautiful and safe.
Walking with Wheels working party on Tuesday 28 April
We are still looking for help for our joint working party with Open Country aimed at improving the surface of a section of Hag Farm Road. This will be of benefit for the less mobile especially those using wheelchairs and mobility scooters as well as the many walkers and runners who regularly use the route. Phone David on 07751 959494 for more information.
Blocked Clifton footpath now open
The Welcome Way footpath between Otley and Askwith was blocked in Clifton by a landowner in January this year, following a dispute with North Yorkshire County Council. We are pleased to report that the situation has been resolved by a short diversion with way-marks.
Closed section of Welcome Way near Baildon
The following information has been received from Bradford Council's Rights of Way Officer:
"I wanted to make you aware of an issue which is affecting a Baildonfootpath which is on the Millennium Way and The Dales Way link pathbetween Bradford and Ilkley; (and also the Welcome Way!).The recent bad weather has caused a section of the path near Glovershaw Farm to collapse. We are in the process of obtaining a temporary closure of the route while we assess what we can do to restore the path. I’ve enclosed a plan showing the section of path (part of Baildon 18) which is not safe to walk – there is an alternative route available via the edge of Baildon Moor/Shipley Glen and Footpath 2 Baildon to reconnect with the link route.
The collapsed section of path affects part of the route as described in paragraph 2 of page 3 of the self-guided walk – link below and shown on Map 2.". The closed path runs from Bracken Hall Green, alongside the stream, to emerge at Glovershaw Farm”.
Future working parties
We now have consent to install a kissing gate adjacent to the stone step stile on the popular Ebor Way footpath between Bleach Mill and Hag Farm. Over time we will also rebuild the stone wall next to the stile.
We also have consent to replace the wooden step stile at the bottom of Clarence Drive with a kissing gate, This is thanks to funding from the Clarence Drive residents committee. Once both projects are complete, we will have two further stile free routes between Burley and Menston.
If you are interested in volunteering for either of these working parties, dates for which are to be arranged, then please get in touch.
Advance notice Otley Walking Festival 27 June – 5 July
This will be the 20th Otley Walking Festival. As you might expect, there are several ‘20’ themed walks. and there is also a visit to Weston Hall for those of
you who have not been before. Check out their website:
With best wishes